Saturday, March 31, 2012

Week 13: Ruffian Manicure

I had not posted this manicure because my nails and cuticles are in bad shape. I had to file my nails to what I consider short and my cuticles had never been this bad. In my lab course, we are doing animal dissections and the formaldehyde and phenol solutions have greatly dried my skin... Yes, of course I wear gloves, but still... It is not pretty.
I apologize for this manicure... I do not think it complements my nails I have super roundish cuticles and my nails are squared. Anyway, Spring Break is coming soon! Yeah! I just have to get over a lump of midterms :)
I hope you guys have a great week :D
For a list of the previous and upcoming manicures, as well as the other ladies doing it, please click HERE
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  1. uauuuuu no había visto nunca este estilo de dibujo, me gusta mucho, lo veo muy original y no visto

    1. Que bueno que haya sido yo quien te introdujera a este nuevo diseño! Es muy facil y tiene un efecto muy original! Gracias por el comentario!

  2. Just found your blog-really love this!

    1. I am happy you liked this mani, and I am even happier that you liked my blog!

  3. Love it !!

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