Hello :)
And the venting begins...When I though California was starting to warm up, we started getting more rain... Bummer. Don't get me wrong, I love rainy weather- only if I am staying inside. I feel like it has been raining and it has been raining on me. Although I do not always mention personal stuff here, I have had a tough week. Remember I was excited about getting a volunteering position in a local hospital? I was assigned to a cool post-op department and I was supposed to start training this week. My schedule was conflicting with that so I was placed in another department which I was really excited about... A few hours later, the person in charge called me saying that my position had been given to someone else, WHAT??? I know, it's nuts... Well, I had to just keep calm and carry on. Last night, I was peacefully checking my email when I read that one of my classes was permanently switched to a different day :( I was about to start training for a job at school, I had to switch to a different department at the hospital and then my class schedule got messed up. I was so upset last night, I couldn't even cry. Turns out I had to call my ex-future boss to tell him about this issue and I will not be working there... I should stop now, this is a polish blog and I am feeling depressed again.
So here is a dark wine/red polish from Jordana called
Ruby Slippers. It is amazingly rich and opaque with two light coats. It has some hints of fine shimmer and it is a very vampy-girly polish. I used the stamp on plate BM205 and I used Maybelline Color Show
Bold Gold to stamp. I left my pinky nail without a stamp because I somewhat regretted not having worn the polish on its own :)
I hope you are all doing well :D